Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hi!! From a while ago...

Hello there!

Finally, after a 6 week hiatus, i'm finally back and raring to go.

First up, it is great to be finally back and serving everyone on W74ers blog. I hope everyone had a very properous 牛year, where good quality time was spent with family and friends.

And not to forget, our very own 捞鱼生.


So, as usual, this is usually a very messy affair. =)

Before the mess started, say 新年快乐!!

In the midst of all the economic gloom, may 2009 be a more prosperous year ahead for all of us. As we began to trust in the Lord, He will lead us out of this economic tsunami. Know that our God is not limited by the economic situation; He's unlimited!


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