Friday, September 26, 2008

Updates and improvisions

Hi All,

If u have been checking back, you would have noticed the following additions to the blog:
-Announcements (Dare to be you)
-Additions of Birthdays of our members
-CBox for leaving messages
-W74ers event calendar

For this W74ers calendar, i've tried the iFrame, which didn't look very good. It's currently accessible with a click of the Google Calendar, subject to owning a google account. Do note that this is only temporary, as NOT everyone has a google account.

My plans will be to add a tab (which i'm in the midst of researching - IT-savvy guys are welcome to provide your expertise).

Further plans for the blog:
I'm the unofficial Project owner of this blog, so i'll be introducing things such as:
- Book reviews and recommendations by members.
- Picture Slides/Flickr on side panel.
- Coverage on events.

All the plans are kinda raw for now. Will share on it more in next entry when they are finalized.

Serving you via blogging, this is J signing off.

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